The FIRST Game
FIRST GAME CHANGERS is 2021's FIRST Robotics Competition game. This Year We participated in the game design challenge. The challenge is played individually, every team proposes an original FRC game idea which is then examined by a committee of judges that chooses the best game idea of that year. we won the 'engineering design award' in the first level of the game design challenge competition. Additionally to participating in the game design challenge we also had the opportunity to play in 2 off-season competitions which were both played by the same rules of the previous year's game, infinite recharge.
The Year for Us​
2021 was one of our most challenging years out of our 6 years of operation, due to the COVID-19 Virus.
We had to face new challenges and restrictions every week, but even in this tough situation we prevailed. We made sure to meet every week either through zoom and other video communications platforms, or if possible we had face to face group meetings in our workshop. This year our goal was to make sure our team will be well prepared for the next year's challenge, and so we used the opurtunnity of working in our workshop to build a new robot and our own swerve drive. all and all, this year was a challenging one, but at the end we feel like the choices we made throughout the year have pushed us forwored and helped our team for the next year's challenge.
2021's Robot - Quasar
engineering designing award